Big Data: What Every Rheumatologist Should Know

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Healio Rheumatology, July 2017

With each passing year, big data has taken on a larger role in medicine and more specifically, in rheumatology.

“Here is the thing about big data, it is not new. Health plans have been using big data for a long time,” Catherine MacLean, MD, PHD, from Hospital for Special Surgery, told Healio Rheumatology. “What is new in big data is that these sources of data are now becoming more available.”

To better understand big data, Healio Rheumatology spoke with leaders of the Corrona, ArthritisPower, BRASS, ImmPort and RISE registries and discussed what these registries can provide for rheumatologists. In addition, they discussed the benefits of big data in general for rheumatology.

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